Enquires and Feedback

Studying MT

If interested in music therapy training, please complete this survey

Membership:  We welcome music therapists and MT students to join us!

If you would like to join AMTS, please fill up the AMTS membership application form  and contact us for payment details. We welcome you to join us!

Project Work

For project work related enquiries (JC/Poly/Uni/etc) please read this carefully first: PW Guidelines. Please note that there may be a fee for professional PW consultation, starting from October 2010.

For all corrections, feedback, or further enquiries, please email us at musictherapy.sg@gmail.com


17 thoughts on “Enquires and Feedback

  1. I like to enquire where or which centres in Singapore have Music Therapy class/course for my daugther to attend (she has Down Syndrome).

    Thank you.

    Joo May

    • Hello Joo May, Music Therapists in Singapore serve at the following VWOs which may be helpful for you to know: AWWA School, Rainbow Centre Margaret Drive School and Yishun Park School. Please email us if you need further information. Thank you.
      Ng Wang Feng, MMT, MT-BC

  2. Hi,

    I’m a Polytechnic student looking into music therapy as a part of my project. In Singapore, there are music therapy services, but I’m wondering, what kind of illness is music therapy used for in Singapore?

  3. Hi,

    I was at the Esplanada library last Sun but did not managed to catch the show. Have managed to grab a copy of your newsletter when the crews are packing though. I am rather interested in this programme to reduce stress, may I know if there are any more upcoming shows?

    Also, would like to know if there are any volunteering opportunities with the team? (Note: do not have background in medical/music)

    Many thanks.

    • Hi Jasmine,
      Thanks for your interest in Music Therapy Day. We have this annual event every 2nd Sunday of April. We will also announce on the blog when members do any public talks, so do visit us from time to time.
      As for volunteering opportunities, it would be best for you to contact the various special schools where our professional members work. Note that your placement will be subjected to the Principal’s approval and depend on school’s needs.

      Ng Wang Feng, MMT, MT-BC

  4. Hi

    I’ve been looking to get a professional certification on Music Therapy to teach special needs children. For a while now I’ve been searching locally but to no avail. Grateful if you could suggest whereabouts I should start looking and advise if an overseas education for this is the only option?

    Much thanks!

    • Hello Bernie,

      There is no certification course so to speak for Music Therapy. The training involves full time study of 2-4 years on average for Bachelor’s or Master’s level. And there is no local training yet, though we hope to get it going soon! Hence for now, overseas education IS the only option! Also, Music Therapy has wider applications beyond working with children with special needs. E.g. with stroke survivors, elderly with dementia, individuals with mental illness, etc.

      Please contact us again if you need more advice via musictherapy.sg@gmail.com. We hope to welcome you to the profession someday soon!

      Ng Wang Feng, MMT, MT-BC
      on behalf of AMTS

  5. Hi, I’m a private music teacher who has little experienced in teaching special needs children. As I know there’s no local MT training course in Singapore but I can’t afford to go overseas so I would like to know if there any other alternatives way?

    • Thanks for your interest. In order to practise as a Music Therapist, it is imperative to have a degree in Music Therapy. Previously, post-grad diplomas were also earned in the UK and Australia, but now only degrees are offered. Also, the professional needs to be registered with a professional organization (e.g. in country of training, e.g. RMTh for NZ-trained, or RMT for Australia-trained) and/or have the relevant credentials (e.g. MT-BC for USA-trained, or HPC for UK-trained).

      We will keep updating the blog and hopefully we can make local training a reality soon! In the meantime, SGH conducts 1-day MT seminars to give an overview of the world of MT. Please email Ms Tan at to indicate your interest. And do support our annual MT Day to meet the locally-based professionals, and learn more about Music Therapy!

      Ng Wang Feng, MMT, MT-BC

  6. Hello

    I am a polytechnic student looking for internship that is related to music therapy. Is there anyone I can contact regarding this? I understand that you do need a degree to do music therapy. Is there anything that doesn’t require that and still allow me to participate in the therapy?

    • Hello,

      Internship is only done after academic requirements for music therapy training are fulfilled. I believe you are referring to placement opportunities to learn more about music therapy. Due to client confidentiality issues, certain settings (esp. hospitals) may be not so accessible. (Incidentally, there is no local training currently.) Perhaps our upcoming music therapy day would be of interest to you. Alternatively, you may contact the various facilities e.g. special schools that employ MTs and ask to volunteer there. However, approval is subject to the school, and the availability of the MT working there. See the “Music Therapy in Singapore” page for details.

      Ng Wang Feng, MMT, MT-BC
      on behalf of AMTS

  7. Dear Sir / Madam,

    I have just completed my ‘A’ levels and am currently considering pursuing Music Therapy as an undergraduate study in the US. Hence, I would like to seek advice regarding possible job prospects in Singapore in the future, as well as the specific qualifications needed.

    It is of my knowledge that professional music therapists in Singapore work at VWOs and that there is a Music Therapy Unit currently at SGH. Are there any other forms of practice here in Singapore?

    Considering that music therapy as a profession in Singapore is still quite undeveloped, pursuing a career in Music Therapy seems slightly risky to me at the moment, so any advice is much appreciated.

    Thank you.

    • Dear Qian Wen,

      It is wonderful that you are considering seeking MT training in the US. We certainly need more MTs in Singapore. You can read our post on the current positions that our professional members serve (titled “Music Therapy in Singapore”). It is an exciting time to be a music therapist in Singapore – we are working to be recognised by MOH as one of the core therapies, and expanding our reach across diverse settings to benefit more clients. We hope you will join us!

      Ng Wang Feng, MMT, MT-BC
      on behalf of AMTS

  8. Hi,

    I am planning to pursue graduate studies in music therapy in canada and have been researching on funding opportunities. May I enquire if you have any advice on where I could look to for scholarships or sponsorships?


  9. Hi,

    May I enquire as to who to contact if I wish to observe a music therapist? I am interested in studying a Master’s degree in music therapy in Melbourne & am passionate about music but I would like this experience to ascertain if this is indeed what I would like to pursue. Thanks!



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